Hymns 911

Scripture Reading:

Eph. 4:16        Out from whom all the Body, being joined together and being knit together through every joint of the rich supply and through the operation in the measure of each one part, causes the growth of the Body unto the building up of itself in love.


Serving with Our Whole Being

Our entire being is of three parts: spirit, soul, and body. To serve the Lord with our whole being means that the spirit, soul, and body all participate in the service to the Lord. (Rom. 12:1, 2, 11). First, we must present our bodies to the Lord; second, the mind, the main part of our soul, must be renewed and transformed; third, our spirit must be burning. Thus, all three parts of our being participate in serving the Lord.

Following the Lord

In order to serve the Lord, we must follow the Lord. (John 12:26). Those who serve the Lord must take the way which He took. We need to follow the Lord wherever He moves. Where He is, there we also must be. He chose the cross and was willing to take the way of the cross, dying to Himself and to everything. We who follow the Lord must do the same. Thus we will be able to serve Him.

According to the Counsel of God

Our service to the Lord, like David’s, must be according to the counsel of God and in God’s counsel. (Acts 13:36)

Needing to Have an Ear to Hear

In the Old Testament, a master would bore the ear of one who desired to serve, (Exo. 21:6), signifying a dealing with his ears that he might be obedient and submissive. To serve the Lord today, we also need the Lord’s dealing that we may have the ears to hear and be persons who are obedient and submissive to the Lord.


Building up the Body of Christ

This word shows us that our coordination and service with the saints is to cause the growth of the Body of Christ and to build it up in love. Besides saving sinners, perfecting the saints, and glorifying God (1 Cor. 10:31), our serving the Lord as His slaves is, even the more, to cause the Body of Christ to grow and be built up.


Being Honored by God the Father

John 12:26 says, “If anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him.” For our service to the Lord, we shall be honored by the Father. What a reward this is!

Being Blessed to Sit at the Feast and Enjoying the Lord’s Serving

When the Lord comes back, the slaves who have been watchful to serve the Lord will be blessed to sit at the feast and will enjoy the Lord’s serving. (Luke 12:37). This is also a great reward from the Lord to those who serve Him.

Ruling with the Lord and Enjoying the Joy of the Lord

This verse says that the good and faithful slave who serves the Lord will be set over many things and enter into the manifestation of the coming kingdom and into the joy of the Lord. (Matt. 25:21, 23). Surely this is a great reward, which we should appreciate and long for. (Life Lessons, pp. 91-94).

Further Reading: Life Lessons, lsn. 23; Crucial Truths in the Holy Scriptures, ch. 29