Eph. 2:1 And you, though dead in your offenses and sins.
I. To be in sins is to be in death: To be in sins is to be in death, because sin brought in death. Death and sin cannot be separated. Where death is, sin is there also. And where sin is, death is there also.
II. Man is dying day by day: Man thinks that he is living day by day; actually, he is dying day by day. If a man has a life span of seventy years, every year that passes is a year subtracted. This is just like a man who had seventy dollars but spent one dollar and was one dollar short. So your life is not increasing day by day but decreasing day by day. Spend one more year, and you have one year less. Do not celebrate your birthday, because it only indicates that you are one year closer to the grave. There is an old proverb that says, “The number of the days of our life increases mercilessly only to run out.” The passing of time is merciless. If you have seventy dollars, you can keep it and not spend it, but with time you have no way to keep it. Even while you are sleeping, it is slipping away. Use this kind of example to describe how men are dying day by day. Then use Ecclesiastes 12 to show that men’s hands, eyes, ears, and teeth are deteriorating day by day. Men are not living but dying day by day, and at the end they are put into a coffin and buried in the ground.
III. The suffering of death:
- The suffering of old age: there is no one in their old age who does not feel the suffering of being old. On the one hand, the old and decrepit ones are afraid of death, but on the other hand, they wish to die. Especially those suffering from diseases such as terminal cancer have an existence little better than death, yet they are afraid of death. Old age with its deterioration is the first note of death; it is the forecast and calling card of death.
- When death actually comes upon a man, it is especially painful. None can withhold the tears when someone passes away.
IV. The end of death—the lake of fire:
- First, speak about Hades being at the edge of the flames. There was just some baking, and the rich man could not stand it (Luke 16:24).
- Then say that suffering in the lake of fire is far worse.
V. How to avoid death:
- The Lord Jesus died for us, and He tasted death for us.
- The Lord Jesus was resurrected and released His death-overcoming life.
- When we believe in the Lord Jesus, our sins are forgiven, and the root of death is dealt with.
- When we receive the Lord, we obtain the eternal, never-dying life.