
John 1:5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.

I. The source of darkness is threefold—Satan, sin, and death:

  1. Satan is the prince of darkness and the power of darkness.
  2. Sin: A man living in sin is living in darkness. Sin causes man to be darkened. The more sins a man commits, the more he will be dull and darkened.
  3. Death: The darkest one is the dead one. The ones who are in the tomb are the darkest ones; they have no light at all.

II. The proof of darkness:

  1. Man does not know the origin of the universe.
  2. Man does not know where he came from.
  3. Man does not know where he is going.
  4. Man does not know where he is.
  5. Man does not know his real situation. He is filthy, yet he has no consciousness of his filthiness.
  6. Man does not know that he is wrong, yet he is really wrong. He commits sin, yet he has no consciousness of sin.
  7. Man turns the truth upside down. He takes right for wrong and wrong for right.

III.  The suffering of darkness: Describe the misery of a man in darkness: when a man is wrong and will not acknowledge it, he falls into darkness. In darkness man does not know where he came from or where he is going. He is like a dumb fool, very miserable. He does not know what is the right way to go on, and he does not know where to turn to get help. His living is so gloomy that it seems as if the day will never break. Ask the people, “If such is your case, how can you ever find happiness?”

IV. The danger of darkness: Darkness causes you to fall into the deep pit, death, and eternal perdition.

V. How to get out of darkness:

  1. Christ is the light.
  2. The life of Christ is the light.
  3. God is light.
  4. The Bible is the light.
  5. So you need to receive the Bible, God, Christ, and His life. Such receiving is faith.
  6. Believe in God according to the words of the Bible, confess your own sins, and receive the Lord Jesus as the Savior of your life.