
Ezek. 33:11 As I live, declares the Lord Jehovah, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turns away from his way and lives. Turn away, turn away from your evil ways; for why will you die, O house of Israel?

I. Man is on the pathway of death:

  1. The fall of the first ancestor of mankind brought man to the way of death. Since that time the entire human race has been on the pathway of death.
  2. Death means to depart from God, turn your back on God, be inclined to sin and evildoing, and yet have no feeling. Even if there is some feeling, it will be too feeble to stop you from what you are doing. This is the meaning of death, and these are also the conditions of death.
  3. Give practical examples to prove that man has forsaken God, has been committing sins, and how he is walking on the pathway of death.

II. The result of walking on the way of death:

  1. Death comes from sin. Death also leads to judgment and hell. These four things are mutually related: sin, death, judgment, and hell. Sin brings in death, and death brings in judgment and hell. If a man is walking on the pathway of death, he will eventually be led to judgment and hell.
  2. There is a death waiting for everyone who is walking on the pathway of death, and this death will be a final verdict, forever.

III.  The call of God’s love:

  1. God loves man. Repeat this point.
  2. Although man is not thinking about God, God is thinking of man. Man forgets God, but God remembers man.
  3. God’s love causes Him to call those who are walking on the pathway of death. You have totally forgotten about God, but today He is calling you: “Turn away, turn away; why will you die?” I believe the gospel that I am preaching today is God’s calling of love. Maybe you have heard it and still do not want to turn; nevertheless, it will stay in your ears.
  4. This calling will continue throughout your lifetime, until you receive Him. Maybe at the time you are about to die, He will still be calling you: “Turn away, turn away; why will you die?” He may call you for ten or twenty years. If you still do not receive Him, even at the time you are about to die, He will be calling: “Turn away, turn away; why will you die?”

IV. How to turn:

  1. Receive God’s call of love.
  2. Repent and confess your sins.
  3. Pray right now. Those who want to pray, stand up right now.
  4. When you pray, receive Jesus as your Savior.