Shepherding People according to God
to Bring in a New Revival

Message Five
Giving Spiritual Books for the Preaching of the Gospel
and Nourishing People

Scripture Reading:

Titus 1:9             Holding to the faithful word, which is according to the teaching of the apostles, that he may be able both to exhort by the healthy teaching and to convict those who oppose.

2 Tim. 3:16-17    All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work.


It is helpful to consider before the Lord all the names of our relatives, neighbors, friends, schoolmates, and colleagues, and all the persons with whom we are familiar, and it is better to write these names down. Then we should consider how many of them are already Christians and truly saved, and if possible, we should pray for them. In this prayer, the Lord may lead us to do something, perhaps not for all of them but for a few of them. There are many details to consider.

We should consider whom to visit and whom to write, sending them gospel tracts, booklets, and helpful messages. We should invite some of these persons to our homes to eat. If we have friends or relatives in other cities, we can mail them something and tell them where the meeting place is in their city. We can also ask the brothers there to visit them. We should first take care of the persons with whom we are familiar. This is our responsibility, and we should carry this out not once for all but all the time, year after year. (CWWL, 1963, vol. 3, “Basic Principles for the Service in the Church Life,” ch. 5)

Distributing Gospel Tracts in Large Quantities

We need to endeavor to preach the gospel in every place. Whether we are at school, at work, or in the market, we must preach the gospel. The churches should cooperate and print gospel tracts for the saints to distribute in large quantities. When the sisters buy groceries, they can give gospel tracts to the cashier and to other women who are buying groceries. There is no need for us to be timid. They should distribute gospel tracts day after day. Distributing gospel tracts can be compared to digging a well. Water does not come forth as soon as we begin to dig. Rather, we need to dig persistently until we reach water.

In order to preach the gospel, we can have gospel marches, post gospel banners, distribute gospel tracts, and speak in every place. We can distribute gospel tracts at work, at school, and even when we are in a store. We should also distribute tracts when we are on a train or a bus. Wherever we are, we should distribute gospel tracts. Some people need to receive more than ten gospel tracts before they decide to read one. They will eventually believe in the Lord after being “besieged” with gospel tracts.

If we distribute only one or two gospel tracts, we will not create an atmosphere of the gospel. Suppose five thousand brothers and sisters in Taipei distributed gospel tracts every day. A person may receive your tract today, my tract tomorrow, and another person’s tract the day after. This would be very effective. In order for the gospel to spread, we should not be silent or quiet. We should go out to speak to people and to distribute gospel tracts. (Guidelines for the Propagation of the Lord’s Recovery, msg. 5)

Finding a Way to Distribute the Publications among Us

Today there is not much rich truth in the publications of Christianity; their better publications present only a few shallow gospel truths. However, when you look at the publications among us, they are full of rich truth. This is not my boast; it is a proof that the Lord has blessed us. Therefore, we should receive the burden and not worry that there are too many books piled up in the meeting halls; instead, we must find a way to distribute these books, and we must first get them into the homes of the saints. (The Faithful and Diligent Spreading of the Truth—Concerning the Publication Service, msg. 3)


There is the need of the spreading of the translated, interpreted, and understood truths for the Lord’s recovery and restoration. The Lord does everything by speaking. If there is no speaking of the Lord, there is no work of the Lord. There cannot be a recovery in Europe if there is not the speaking of the divine truths. Most of the millions of people in Europe are void of the knowledge of these divine truths.

The spreading of the divine truths will bring in the Lord’s restoration. According to Isaiah 11, the restoration will come because “the earth will be full of the knowledge of Jehovah, / As the waters cover the sea” (v. 9). We have to speak for the Lord to bring in this restoration. How shall people hear without one who spreads the divine truths? How beautiful are the feet of those who spread the interpreted and understood divine truths! (The World Situation and the Direction of the Lord’s Move, ch. 2)

Using the Portions of the Bible to Preach the Gospel

The Spirit told Philip to approach the chariot, and when he did so he heard the eunuch reading Isaiah the prophet (vv. 29-30). It was sovereign that the Ethiopian was reading from Isaiah 53: “Now the passage of Scripture which he was reading was this: He was led as a sheep to slaughter; and as a lamb before its shearer is dumb, so He does not open His mouth” (v. 32). This verse, a quotation from Isaiah 53:7, refers to Christ the Redeemer. It must have been sovereignly of the Spirit’s leading that this passage concerning Christ as the sinner’s redeeming Lamb, a good passage for gospel preaching, was opened to the eunuch. Therefore, “Philip opened his mouth, and beginning from this scripture he brought the good news of Jesus to him” (v. 35).

Here we see the principle that in preaching the gospel we need to use the best portions of the Bible. This means that in our gospel preaching we should not speak concerning peculiar things. For example, after learning that stone is a basic item in the Scriptures, you may want to take this as a subject for your gospel preaching. However, such a subject may not be appropriate for the preaching of the gospel. We should always use a proper portion of the Word in our gospel preaching. (Life-study of Acts, msg. 24)

Nourishing People—Opening the Bible and Reading a Few Verses,
Especially the Recovery Version

We need to learn to use the Bible and spiritual publications to nourish people. From the time we begin to contact people, we must learn not to speak idle words, common words, or our own words. The best thing is to read a good book, especially the Bible. The Bible is the world-renowned classic of classics and is the highest book in the human race. Although people may not believe it and may even oppose it, they still would admit that the teachings in the Bible are the highest. When you go to contact someone, you should open the Bible and read a few verses to him. It is especially good to read our Recovery Version because there are footnotes for all of the crucial verses. When you read the important verses to someone and then read the footnotes with him, he will definitely be touched. Once he is stirred up inwardly, you can then explain the footnotes to him, and he will surely be receptive.

Among us are a large number of spiritual publications, close to one thousand, on all kinds of topics. Every message is appealing. We need to choose appropriate publications and carry two or three with us. We also need to prepare ourselves by finding a few suitable verses; this is to learn how to use the Bible. Then when you go to the next level of visitation, you should not begin with idle words but rather say to him, “This Bible verse is very good. Please read it.” (Rising Up to Preach the Gospel, ch. 6)