Message Eighteen
Some Illustrations (2) the Work in India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka

I. The work in India:

A. Once every week the elders and co-workers across the country fellowship and pray together online to seek the burden and the way to move on.

B. Entering into the riches of the ministry:

1. Closely following the speaking in seven annual conferences:

a. Leading all the churches to enter into video trainings.

b. Trainings for serving ones in the whole India.

c. Regional blending conferences.

2. Reading schedule of life-study messages—taking the way of being constituted with the Word.

3. Perfecting new believers—Life Lessons, Shepherding Materials for New Believers (96 Lessons).

C. Building up the local churches—propagation:

1. Intensifying the testimony of major cities:

a. Taking them as the centers of work to care for neighboring churches.

b. Taking them as nurseries to cultivate young serving ones.

2. Perfecting responsible brothers.

3. Practicing God-ordained way—establishing the basic framework of the gospel and the homes, and practicing the corporate God-man living by small groups.

4. Gaining young people.

D. Propagating the new churches—increase:

1. Neighboring churches clustering to propagate together.

2. The seeking ones from Christianity.

3. Trainees from full-time training (including overseas trainees).

4. Support from the Body (overseas saints’ visit).

E. Producing and perfecting the next generation:

1. Establishing the service of various aspects.

2. Full-time training in New Delhi (FTTND).

a. A two-year training.

b. Encouraging young people to attend short-term trainings.

F. Literature work:

1. Translation.

2. Promoting literature work to all the churches.

3. Promoting literature work to all the children of God.

II. The work in Nepal:

A. The principle of propagation—moving on according to the specific means of brother Nee’s ministry.

B. The goal of propagation—seeking sons of peace.

C. The pattern of propagation:

1. Literature work leading the way.

2. Visiting by group and holding conferences.

D. The content of transmission:

1. Messages concerning the gospel.

2. Truth concerning the church.

3. Concerning the Bible—from Genesis to Revelation.

E. Crucial points in practice:

1. Elders and co-workers pray in one accord.

2. Finding out the potential places for meetings.

3. Presenting the ground of the church.

4. Conducting short-term trainings.

5. Coordinating in the Body of Christ.

III. The work in Sri Lanka:

A. Every Saturday morning all the leading brothers come together to fellowship and pray to seek the burden and the way to move on.

B. Conducting serving ones’ perfecting trainings twice a year.

C. The church in each locality holds trainings for one or two days.

D. Coordinating in the Body to propagate together to establish churches.

E. The translation of literature work.