Lesson Twenty-Eight

The Way to Minister and Spread the Divine Truths

Scripture Reading:

Col. 1:25-26 Of which I became a minister according to the stewardship of God, which was given to me for you, to complete the word of God, The mystery which has been hidden from the ages and from the generations but now has been manifested to His saints.

2 Tim. 1:13-14 Hold a pattern of the healthy words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. Guard the good deposit through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.

2 Tim. 4:3 For the time will come when they will not tolerate the healthy teaching; but according to their own lusts they will heap up to themselves teachers, having itching ears,

Matt. 28:19-20 Go therefore and disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you all the days until the consummation of the age.

Rom. 10:14-15 How then shall they call upon Him into whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe into Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without one who proclaims Him? And how shall they proclaim Him unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who announce the news of good things!”

Isa. 11:9 They will not harm nor destroy In all My holy mountain, For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah, As water covers the sea.

I. The Lord’s gift and commission to His recovery in the divine truth—1 Tim. 2:4, 1 Tim. 2:7, Col. 1: 25-26:

A. The Lord has opened to us His divine revelation from the making of His eternal economy to the consummation of His eternal goal––the New Jerusalem.

B. The Lord has commissioned us with the ministry of His word—2 Cor. 4:1.

C. The Lord has provided us with the marvelous environment for the release of His divine revelation.

D. The Lord’s present charge to us should be: go and teach the nations that the present age may be consummated—Matt. 28:19-20.

II. We need to use the words of the Lord to supply all the saints—Col. 3:16:

A. Spending our whole life in the word and allowing the word to saturate us.

B. Studying the translated and interpreted publications — Eph. 1:17; 2 Tim. 1:13:

1. The Recovery Version of the Bible and the Life study messages have opened up the mine of the Holy Scriptures. We must enter into the open mine to dig out the treasures through much labor.

2. We should use the Recovery Version with the notes and the Life-study messages as a textbook.

C. Helping the saints to get into The Holy Word for Morning Revival.

D. Encouraging the saints to subscribe for the Direct Mailing Service (DMS) Account.

III. Carefully selecting reading material—2 Tim. 1:13-14:

A. Paying attention to two points—nutrition and hygiene.

B. Distributing food at the appointed time.

IV. How to use the material—2 Tim. 4:3:

A. The best way to read is in the small meeting for each other to read one sentence.

B. Doing it with others, not instead of others.

C. Helping the saints to focus on the main points.

V. Spreading to the whole world—Rom. 10:14-15; Isa. 11:9; 1 Thes. 1:8:

A. The two high peaks of the Lord’s recovery today are the recovery of the high truths and the rapid spreading of the Lord’s recovery:

1. In recent days the Lord has shown us the high peak of the divine revelation.

2. The Lord’s recovery has spread to all the continents of the earth through the revelation, high truths, contained in our publications.

3. Something must be done to put these two peaks together.

B. Today there is the need of the spreading of the translated, interpreted, and understood divine truths for the Lord’s recovery and restoration:

1. Our strategy to spread the truth is to present not the low things but the high¬est truths—the processed and consummated Triune God, the all-inclusive Christ, the all-inclusive consummated Spirit, the divine life, the Body of Christ, God’s eternal economy, the God-men, and the New Jerusalem.

2. To have a proper attitude and spirit of love.

C. The defense and confirmation of the gospel:

1. On the negative side, the defense of the gospel is for the resisting of perverting and distorting heresies.

2. On the positive side, the confirmation of the gospel is for the announcing of the revelation of God’s mysteries concerning Christ and the church as unveiled in the apostle’s Epistles.

D. The Lord’s recovery today has three assets for the spreading of the divine truths: the complete interpreted Bible, three thousand churches in six continents, and many saints around the world who are the base of our financial support:

1. We should rise up to pray, to go, and to give.

2. We must always endeavor to keep the oneness by practicing the one accord, learning to teach the divine truths in the central lane of God’s New Testament economy.


Excerpts from the ministry:


The Lord Has Opened to Us His Divine Revelation from the
Making of His Eternal Economy to
the Consummation of His Eternal Goal—the New Jerusalem

The Lord has opened to us His divine revelation from the making of His eternal economy to the consummation of His eternal goal––the New Jerusalem. All the messages we have published unveil the items and details included from God’s making of His eternal economy to the New Jerusalem.

The Lord Has Commissioned Us with the Ministry of His Word

The Lord has also commissioned us with the ministry of His word. After I was sent to Taiwan from mainland China, we began to publish a paper entitled The Ministry of the Word. Today our ministry has reached the point of God’s New Testament economy and God’s dispensing. In 1984 I shared concerning God’s New Testament economy in Stuttgart, Germany and a number of localities in the United States. These are included in a book we have published entitled God’s New Testament Economy. I still have more to speak concerning God’s economy and God’s dispensing.

The Lord Has Provided Us with the Marvelous Environment
for the Release of His Divine Revelation

The Lord has provided us with the marvelous environment for the release of the divine revelation. When I began to minister the word in Los Angeles in 1962, we had only conferences and informal trainings. When we moved to Anaheim in 1974, I made the decision to have two ten-day trainings every year. Because these trainings are in the principle of a school, those who come need to be properly enrolled. This helped not only in training the saints but also in having a proper, clear, uplifted atmosphere for the release of the divine truths. (The World Situation and the Direction of the Lord’s Move, p. 38)

The Lord’s Present Charge to Us Should Be: Go and
Teach the Nations That the Present Age May Be Consummated

The Lord’s present charge to us should be: go and teach the nations (cf. Matt. 28:19) that the present age may be consummated (24:14). In order to take the Lord’s charge, we must keep the oneness. We must have the one accord. If we lose the oneness and the one accord, we are finished as far as the Lord’s move is concerned.

The saints… should not touch any negative things. We should only go to teach the divine truths. We should teach people about God. We should tell them how the eternal God is triune and how He is perfect and complete. …Then we can go on to teach them God’s economy. In God’s economy, He desires to have man as His expression.

We should also teach people about the wonderful process through which the Triune God has passed in order to dispense Himself into us. …The people also need to see all the aspects of the church. They need to eventually see how the one universal church, as the Body of Christ, should be expressed as the local churches in many localities. We need to teach with much stress the truths concerning the all-inclusive Christ and the church as the organic Body of Christ. Eventually, the church will consummate in the New Jerusalem as the ultimate manifestation of the processed Triune God mingled with the transformed tripartite man to express the Triune God to the fullest in eternity. Our teaching of the divine truths should include the New Jerusalem as the ultimate consummation of God’s dispensing. (The World Situation and the Direction of the Lord’s Move, pp. 40, 41)


Spending Our Whole Life in the Word and Allowing the Word to Saturate Us

If we have a clear view, know the Bible, know the situation of Christianity today, and know the mercy which God has given us, we will spend our whole life burying ourselves in the word and allowing the word to saturate us. Then we will have the burden to promote the word of the truth among the brothers and sisters and the churches. We will try our best to create an atmosphere of desiring the truth and the Life-study among them. I hope that every one of you will learn to appreciate the Life-study, dive yourself into it, and bath in it until the light of the truth saturates you thoroughly. Then you will spread the blessing and benefit which you have received, thus creating an atmosphere for the saints to desire the truth and the Life-study.

If we are thoroughly saturated in the light of the truth, when we go to the saints, speak to them, and have some fellowship with them, we will be able to point out their need at a critical point. This will create in them a craving, a thirst and hunger, and an atmosphere of longing to read the Life-study. (Abstracts of Messages concerning Different Categories of Service, pp. 67, 69-71 in Chinese)

The Recovery Version of the Bible with the Notes
and the Life-study Messages Have Opened Up
the Mine of the Holy Scriptures

We Must Enter into the Open Mine to
Dig Out the Treasures through Much Labor

Christians today are shallow because they would not pay the price to labor adequately. These riches are all here in the Bible, just like gold in a mine, but nearly no one would labor to dig them out. Just to buy a few pieces of gold is not our job. Our job is to dig the gold mine. We are to do the mining work. This is the Lord’s recovery. I hope, brothers, that in your localities you would not repeat the old things. We should learn to go on, to learn the things in the heavenlies, and to learn to speak these higher and deeper things. (Elders’ Training Book 5, Fellowship Concerning the Lord’s Up-to-date Move, p. 57)

At present, the best way to gain the knowledge of God’s New Testament economy is to use the Recovery Version with the notes and the Life-study messages. Do not think that my intention in saying this is to promote my materials. I am simply telling you honestly what is the best way to be constituted of the New Testament truths. (Elders’ Training Book 3, The Way to Carry Out the Vision, pp. 135-136)

Using the Recovery Version with the Notes
and the Life-study Messages As a Textbook

The Life-studies do not replace the Bible. Rather, they open the Bible, expound the Bible, and release the unsearchable riches in the Bible. (The World Situation and the Direction of the Lord’s Move, p. 26)

I have made an attempt to open every book of the New Testament to you, but I have left the further digging to you. I have only “opened up the mine,” and I have not dug that much. …Once the mine has been opened and the treasure is exposed, it is easy for someone to dig out the treasures. …The intention and the goal of our publishing of Life-study messages is to open up the mine for you to go in and dig. (Elders’ Training Book 3, The Way to Carry Out the Vision, pp. 92-93)

Helping the Saints to Get into The Holy Word for Morning Revival Daily

In order to be fruit-bearing branches of Christ, we need to be revived by the Lord day by day. Our publication called The Holy Word for Morning Revival has been a help to the saints to be revived by the Lord every morning. The most effective way to live the Christian life is by having a vital, living, active morning watch with the Lord. We should get two verses from the Scripture to live on every day and then contact people for the Lord in a definite way. In addition to this, we need to bear fruit. The reason why we do not bear fruit is because we do not practice contacting people directly, personally, and faithfully. (The God-ordained Way and the Eldership, p. 11)

Encouraging the Saints to Subscribe for the Direct Mailing Service (DMS) Account

Regarding the matter of the DMS (Direct Mailing Service) account, since all the churches are receiving the supply from the ministry of the word, you all should help with its distribution. How many copies should we print when we put out a new book? This has been our heavy burden for several decades. If we print too few copies, there may be shortage; but if we print too many copies, we will have to find room for storage, and this increases our stock. It is a waste if the books, which we store in the warehouse, turn yellow or consume by moth. After the brothers and sisters buy the books, they may not have to read them right away. Just like when we go to a grocery store to buy two pecks of rice, we will not eat it at one time, but we may eat it in two months. We have to encourage the brothers and sisters to be DMS subscribers. On the one hand, our cost will be lowered as we increase the quantity in printing, and both sides will be benefited; on the other hand, we have to encourage the brothers and sisters to build up the habit of reading after breakfast, after lunch, and after dinner and before going to bed. Reading is always profitable. (Abstracts of Messages concerning Different Categories of Service, p.85 in Chinese)


Such a practice involves an effort on the part of the co-workers and the elders. They have to carefully select the proper material for the home meetings. They need to spend an adequate amount of time to pray thoroughly, to observe the condition of the brothers and sisters, and to understand the need of all the homes and the groups. They have to know their conditions, and then they have to search out the suitable material from our publications. A mother, in preparing a meal for the family, has to consider the condition of all the members of the family. Sometimes one member of the family is sick, and she has to prepare special food for that one. Sometimes the season changes, and she has to shop for the proper kind of food. All this takes research as well as common knowledge. (The Ministry Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 4, April 1999, pp. 7-8)

Paying Attention to Two Points—Nutrition and Hygiene

My point is that we cannot congratulate ourselves merely with the fact that all the small groups have been subdivided into the homes. Of course, the number is encouraging, but we still have to pay attention to “hygiene,” “medical supplies,” and “good nutrition.” If these things are not in place, our “infant mortality rate” will still be high. The subdivision will bring in death not life. I hope that all the elders and co-workers will take note of this danger. If there is malnutrition and lack of hygiene, the death rate will increase. What then should we do? We have to tackle the problem from a few directions. On the one hand, we have to enhance our hygiene, which includes immunization. On the other hand, we have to pay attention to nutritional care. All the co-workers and elders have a responsibility to look into these two matters. We have to bear the burden on our shoulders of these one thousand home meetings. For this reason, I beg the co-workers and elders to spend much time praying together and seeking the Lord together. Consider the weaknesses and the needs that exist in each home meeting. (The Ministry Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 5-6)

Distributing Food at the Appointed Time

Matthew 24:45 says that the faithful and prudent slave distributes food to God’s children at the appointed time. The meaning of distributing food to God’s children at the appointed time is profound. It does not merely mean to distribute food according to the seasons, but to distribute different kinds of food according to the varying needs. This is something that requires time and research. Suppose you meet a new one, and without any regard for his condition you begin to share with him about the seventy weeks in Daniel. It is true that you are speaking God’s word, but that kind of “distributing of food” does not nourish him. Instead, it kills him. God’s word is life, but if you do not use it in a proper way, it becomes a killing factor to others. It can spoil a person’s appetite; he will be spoiled of the taste to come to the meeting because what he has heard has not benefited him. (The Ministry Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 7-8)


One point needs special attention: in selecting the reading material, we should precede each portion with a few crucial verses. Every time we meet together, we should first have the attendees read through the verses. This will plant the Lord’s word into man’s heart. His word is living, operative, and full of power. We hope that those who come to the meeting will receive nourishment and truth and will testify that we are here for the spreading of the gospel and the presenting of the truth.

The Best Way to Read in the Small Meeting Is for Each One to Read One Sentence

In reading the publications, do not be dull or monotonous. A few ways of reading should be avoided. First, do not have everyone read together except when you come across the crucial sentences. If the whole congregation reads through half a message or an entire message together, that will kill the meeting. Next, do not have one person read through an entire paragraph. According to my experience, observation, and personal investigation, the best way to read in the small group meetings and the home meetings is for each one to read one sentence. This kind of reading may be difficult at the beginning, but in time it will become easy. I hope all the halls, small groups, and home meetings will promote this kind of reading. I would like to see this practice developed until it becomes our “family tradition.”

Doing It with Others, Not Instead of Others

The churches in the Lord’s recovery meet three to four times a week In one year we meet over two hundred times. For this reason, it is crucial that we learn to read the messages in a proper way. This can be compared to a ball game; with practice and training, there will be the improvement in skill. If the playing is capricious and there is no restriction and limitation, one can play for years and still not know how to play the game. Today, the co-workers, elders, and full-timers need to pick up the responsibility. They have to take the lead to do it and to learn how to do it. I am asking them to take the lead; I am not asking them to replace the others. I am asking them to do it with others, not instead of others. While they are doing it, they have to point out the secret, the keys, so that everyone can learn something. The co-workers, elders, and full-timers cannot be silent in the meetings. They cannot close their eyes and simply meditate. The meetings are the times when they “play ball on the court.” They have to take the lead to play ball. If the brothers and sisters are playing very well, they can step back. But if they are not playing in the right way, they have to step forward and render the timely corrections. Do not barge in or take over. Rather, teach others until they can play. If they spend time and effort to do this, the church will be built up by their work. (The Ministry Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 10-11)

Helping the Saints to Focus on the Main Points

In teaching, you have to help the saints to focus on the main points. Take John 3:16 as an example. It says that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. You have to learn to bring out the word gave; that is a main point. Lead the saints to emphasize the word gave. Repeat that word. Learn to point out the main points. You do not have to spend much time to explain them. The saints will realize by your hints what the main points are. We have to see that our exposition does not carry much weight. The most effective way is to bring out the Lord’s word and have everyone pray-read it, directing everyone to the main points. In this way, you will provide everyone with the opportunity to function. No one will stand idle. In order to achieve this, you need to continually lead the brothers and sisters to practice this in the meetings. I believe that in less than six months the church in Taipei will produce a model for others to follow. (The Ministry Magazine, Vol. 3, p. 11)


Today our vision is to go to tell the high-peak truths to the Christians. This is what we have been doing in Russia for the past few years. We need to enlighten those in Christianity with the high peaks of the divine revelation.

Many seeking Christians, dear brothers, in the denomina-tions are seeking something higher, deeper, and richer than what they have heard and possess. They are tired of shallow things. If we tell them the high-peak truths, they will wake up. At first, they may oppose but gradually they will find the truth. Then what shall we do? We have to learn the high peaks of God’s present revelation and learn to speak these things. We have to go, and we have to speak. (The Triune God’s Revelation and His Move, pp. 97-98)

The Two High Peaks of the Lord’s Recovery Today Are the Recovery
of the High Truths and the Rapid Spreading of the Lord’s Recovery

In Recent Days the Lord Has Shown Us
the High Peak of the Divine Revelation

In these recent days the Lord has shown us the high peak of the divine revela¬tion—the New Jerusalem with the view that God became man so that man may become God in life, nature, and expression, but not in the Godhead.

The Lord’s Recovery Has Spread to All the Continents
of the Earth through the Revelation,
the High Truths, Contained in Our Publications

The second point is that the Lord’s recovery has spread to all the continents of the earth…The main factor for the rapid spreading of the Lord’s recovery is the revelation, the high truths, contained in our publications. …the spreading of the Lord’s recovery is another high peak.

Something Must Be Done to Put These Two Peaks Together

In the recovery today there are these two peaks—the recov¬ery of the high truths and the rapid spreading of the Lord’s recovery. We all have to see that something must be done to put these two peaks together. (The Holy Word for Morning Revival: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, pp. 14-15)

Today There Is the Need of the Spreading of the Translated,
Interpreted, and Understood Divine Truths
for the Lord’s Recovery and Restoration

The interpretation of the Bible has been built up by the entire Body of Christ through the past nineteen centuries. We inherit all the interpretation of the past centuries and stand on the shoulders of the foregoing teachers. We have to thank the Lord for this. Furthermore, we have to thank the Lord that He has shown us more in the last few decades, such as the practical church life, the all-inclusive, life-giving, compound Spirit, even the seven Spirits, God’s economy, God’s dispensing, and the ultimate consummation of the church, that is, the New Jerusalem, the mingling of the processed Triune God with the transformed tripartite man for God’s eternal manifestation and expression.

Today there is the need of the spreading of the understood divine truths for the Lord’s recovery and restoration. We can borrow Romans 10:14-15 and say, “How shall people hear without one who spreads? How beautiful are the feet of those who spread the interpreted and understood divine truths!” If we have a burden to go to Europe, we must spend day and night to study the truths we have published. Then we will know what the Lords recovery is, and we will have a real burden to go to Europe to teach people. The Lord charges us in Matthew 28:19 to go and disciple the nations. The Lord’s word here shows us that we should be burdened to go and teach all the nations.

There is the need of the spreading of the translated, interpreted, and understood truths for the Lord’s recovery and restoration. The Lord does everything by speaking. If there is no speaking of the Lord, there is no work of the Lord. …The spreading of the divine truths will bring in the Lord’s restoration. According to Isaiah 11, the restoration will come because “the earth will be full of the knowledge of Jehovah, / As the waters cover the sea,” (v. 9). We have to speak for the Lord to bring in this restoration. How shall people hear without one who spreads the divine truths? How beautiful are the feet of those who spread the interpreted and understood divine truths! (The World Situation and the Direction of the Lord’s Move, pp. 31-32)

To Have a Proper Attitude and Spirit of Love

During these last twenty years, the Lord has established His recovery in the United States. The Lord has been continually speaking to us, especially by opening up the New Testament to us, book after book. We must bear the responsibility to spread all these treasures that the Lord has shown us from His holy Word. We need to spread these treasures by preaching the gospel to the unsaved, teaching the truths to the saved ones, and ministering life to the seeking ones. All the saints who have returned to the proper and unique ground of oneness must bear this responsibility. This is why we must train all the saints with the precious truths which we have received from the Lord that each one may be qualified and enabled to spread these truth by preaching the gospel, teaching the truth, and ministering life to people. We not only love the Christians outside of us, but we also love all human beings. The Lord loves the world and we need to be the same. We love the world by preaching the gospel to them and we love our fellow-Christians, even though they are not with us, by teaching the truth and by ministering life to them.

We all need to have a clear view concerning the Lord’s practice in His recovery. Then we can have a proper attitude. We should never be sectarian, and we should always be open to all people. We should not only be open to all the Christians, but also be open to all the unbelievers. Because we have received the Lord’s mercy and we are now a people bearing God’s testimony in His truth and His life, we must learn to be open at all times to every Christian, teaching the truth and ministering the life supply to them. When you meet other Christians, do not be bothered that they are Christians in the divisions. Do not change your attitude, but still be open to them. Present the truth and minister life to them. Try not to consider, think, or feel that they are different from the saints who are with us because they also are our fellow believers in Christ.

Finally, we should never try to proselyte Christians from the divisions. We must always do our best, on the other hand, to preach the gospel, teach the truth and minister life, let other Christians have their own choice regarding the matter of the church.

I hope this fellowship helps us to have a proper spirit and to hold a right attitude toward all our fellow-believers. We must learn to love them and even to love every man. Our practice should be that we love our neighbors, our schoolmates, our colleagues, and all our friends. (Elder’s Training Book 4, pp. 133-135)

The Defense and Confirmation of the Gospel

Defending the Gospel on the Negative Side from Perverting and Distorting Heresies

The defense of the gospel is related, on the negative side, to the perverting and distorting heresies, like Judaism dealt with in Galatians and Gnosticism dealt with in Colossians. Judaism was perverting the gospel, whereas Gnosticism and Greek philosophy were distorting it. Paul defended the gospel against all heretical perversion and distortion. Consider his experience with Peter at Antioch. Although Peter had received the vision concerning the Gentiles in Acts 10, he withdrew from eating with the Gentile believers in Antioch. In this matter, Peter did not stand for the truth of the gospel. On the contrary, he perverted this truth. Therefore, Paul withstood Peter to his face and rebuked him.

In defending the gospel against perversion and distortion, Paul was unique. According to the record of the New Testament, he was the one who stood the strongest against anything that perverted and distorted the gospel. This was the reason for much of his sufferings. However, the grace he enjoyed surpassed these sufferings.

Confirming the Gospel on the Positive Side with All the Revelation
of God’s Mysteries concerning Christ and the Church

The confirmation of the gospel is related, on the positive side, to all the revelations of God’s mysteries concerning Christ and the church as unveiled in Paul’s Epistles. In the writings of Paul, the two great mysteries—Christ as the mystery of God and the church as the mystery of Christ––are unveiled. No other apostle unveiled these mysteries as adequately as Paul did. To be sure, his teaching and preaching were a confirmation of the gospel and of God’s economy.

In contrast to Paul, who was absolute for the defense and confirmation of the gospel, many preachers of the gospel today are wishy-washy in this regard. They seem to have no backbone. Instead of dealing with the major points of God’s economy, certain of these preachers simply deliver sugar-coated messages to make others happy. But we in the Lord’s recovery must defend the gospel and confirm it. On the on hand, we must defend the gospel against teachings which are perverting and distorting it; on the other hand, we must confirm it by pointing out the goal of the gospel of God. (Life-study of Philippians, pp. 26-27)

The Lord’s Recovery Today Has Three Assets for the Spreading of the Divine Truths

The Lord’s recovery today has three assets: the complete interpreted Bible, two thousand [presently 3,000] local churches as stations in the six continents, and many saints around the world who are the base of our financial support. …Hallelujah, today the entire Bible has been fully interpreted from the first page to the last, and there is a publication, the life-studies, to help people know God’s economy. This is a great matter, unprecedented in history, and it is an asset of the Lord’s recovery.

For the Lord’s move, all the saints in the Lord’s recovery should rise up to pray; our prayer must be the first thing to go. Then we should send out trained brothers to the leading countries to publish the high truth that the Lord has shown us. In addition, we need the giving of the saints to support this move. Our strategy is to present not the lower things but the highest truths—the processed and consummated Triune God, the all-inclusive Christ, the all-inclusive consummated Spirit, the divine life, the Body of Christ, God’s eternal economy, the God-men, and the New Jerusalem. This will attract the Lord’s lovers. (The Holy Word for Morning Revival: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, pp. 60-61)

References: The World Situation and the Direction of the Lord’s Move, Chapter 2, 3; Abstracts of Messages concerning Different Categories of Service (Chinese); The God-ordained Way and the Eldership, ch. 1; Elder’s Training Book 4, Other Crucial Matters Concerning the Practice of the Lord’s Recovery, Chapter 11; Elders’ Training, Book 5, Fellowship Concerning the Lord’s Up-to-Date Move, ch. 3; Elders’ Training, Book 3, The Way to Carry Out the Vision, ch. 12, 9; The Ministry Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 4; The Ministry Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 1; The Triune God’s Revelation and His Move, ch. 12; The Holy Word for Morning Revival: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Week 1, 4; Life-study of Philippians, Message 3.