Three Reasons to Believe the Bible

I. Who wrote the Bible? What difference is it from other religious classics?

The Bible is unique, comparing to all other religious classics. It was not written by one person. The Old and New Testaments were written in Asia, Africa, and Europe, by 40 various authors, which composition were about 1600 years. Besides its unique authorship, the Bible contains many prophesies, which were fulfilled one by one over the years. For instances, a number of prophets prophesied the coming of Messiah with about 3 hundred detailed prophesies, including where He was given birth, where He grew up. Hundreds of years later, these prophecies all were fulfilled in Jesus Christ. These fulfillments testified why authors could write in this way, “Jehovah said so …”, because they were representing the One from the “Beginning” to speak.

II. Was the Bible edited, lost in translation over years?

Some thought the New Testament was translated many times, some of which contents might be lost in translation. If they all translated from other versions of translations, it could occur. But these translations are not based on other translations, but based on the original Greek manuscripts.

We believe that the New Testament in our hands are faithful to its original contents, due to the following reasons:

(1) There are over five thousand manual copies of the manuscripts;

(2) These copies are 99.5% accurate in contents;

(3) The discovery time of these manuscripts are close to the original time when they were written.

Therefore, the New Testament is the most reliable document of ancient times.

III. Many lives are changed due to this Book.

The Bible is the most popular book of all times in human history. Every time people encountered sufferings or wandered around, they all turned to the Bible for comforts, hopes, and instructions. The word of “Bible” comes from the Greek “Biblos”, which means “the book”. It refers to the Bible as the unique Book of all the books.

In our history, many famous persons believed Christ after reading and touched by the Book. Over two thousand years, many kings, emperors, and governments wanted to destroy the Bible. Yet nothing on earth could remove people from the Book, from the Wonderful Person in the Book. The Christ revealed in the Bible is still as fresh as two thousand years ago. There is not any other biography that has changed so many people’s lives like the life of Jesus Christ.

Dear friends, are you willing to read this “book of books” that has changed many lives?