The Assurance of Salvation

The outward proof:

1 John 5:13 says “I have written these things to you that you may know that you have eternal life, to you who believe into the name of the Son of God.”

God uses the Bible without to confirm that we have His life.

We do not need our feelings; according to the plain statements, we can assuredly know that we have received grace, that we are saved.

The inward proof:

Romans 8:16 says “The Spirit Himself witnesses with our spirit that we are children of God.”

Everyone who believes in the Lord enjoys addressing God as “Abba, Father”; it is a spontaneous matter for us to call God “Abba, Father”; moreover, every time we call Him “Abba, Father,” we feel sweet and comfortable within.

This is because we are children begotten of God, we have God’s life, and the Spirit of God’s Son has entered into us; concerning our father in the flesh, it is spontaneous and sweet for us to call him “Father” —Rom. 8:16.

The proof of love:

When a saved one sees a brother in the Lord, he has an affection for him and even loves him in such a manner that is incomprehensible to himself.

Therefore, our love toward the brothers in the Lord is a proof by which we know that we have been saved.

“Therefore with joy shall ye draw water, / Out of the wells of salvation. / And in that day shall ye say, / Praise the Lord. / Therefore with joy shall ye draw water, / Out of the wells of salvation. / And in that day shall ye say, / Praise the Lord”.