I. The Mystery of Human Life

  1. Out of Death into Life
  2. Washing Away Sins and Guilt
  3. Getting Rid of Anxiety
  4. Getting Out of the Chaotic Rush
  5. Turning Sorrow into Joy
  6. Bearing Our Diseases
  7. Christ Has Freed Me
  8. The Weary Finds Rest
  9. We All Like Sheep Having Gone Astray
  10. No More Striving
  11. The Heavenly and Spiritual Blessing
  12. Joy Made Full
  13. The Righteous Shall Live by Faith
  14. God Is Love
  15. The Truth Shall Set You Free
  16. God’s Word Never Changes
  17. Having Peace in the Lord
  18. A Vessel unto Honor
  19. Discarding the Old for the New
  20. All Things Are Possible with God
  21. Receiving by Faith
  22. Coming to the Lord
  23. Turning to the True God
  24. Being Willing to Come to the Lord to Receive Life
  25. Sins Confessed and Forgiven
  26. Whoever Calls Upon the Name of the Lord Shall Be Saved
  27. Looking Away unto Jesus
  28. Opening Up to the Lord
  29. Behold! The Lamb of God
  30. What Is Man

II. Topics from Luke 54.org

  1. A Life of Blessing and Happiness
  2. Why Do I Exist
  3. Christ Being the Meaning of Human Life
  4. A Stress-resistant Life
  5. Why Christians Are Not Overwhelmed by Anxiety
  6. Frustrations Bring God to You
  7. Although Money Is All-powerful, It Is Not All-mighty
  8. The Antidote to Depression
  9. What the Internet Cannot Offer
  10. Why Do I Always Feel So Empty Inside
  11. Come to Me All Who Toil and Are Burdened
  12. You Need Not Be Anxious
  13. Three Bible Verses You Must Read When Anxious
  14. Youth Has a Way Out
  15. Where Is True Happiness
  16. Man’s End Being God’s Beginning
  17. What Is Your Attitude towards Death
  18. If I Were Not a Christian
  19. Does God Really Exist
  20. The Loving Father
  21. Great Man, Small God
  22. Who Is Jesus Listen to What Jesus Himself Said
  23. Who Is Jesus Three Reasons You Can Believe in Jesus
  24. The Lord Jesus Is the Sinners Friend
  25. Three Hours before and after the Cross
  26. Christ’s Redemption – Unlocking the Mystery of the Life and Death of the God-man
  27. Did Man Come from Evolution
  28. The Human Spirit – The Way to Enjoy God
  29. Do You Know You Have a Spirit
  30. Using Your Spirit to Contact God
  31. God’s Dispensing-Unlocking the Mystery of Believing in the Lord Jesus
  32. Do Not Be Afraid, Only Believe
  33. Bargaining
  34. Is Believing in God a Psychological Effect
  35. Wanting Yet Unable to Believe
  36. Calling on the Name of the Lord
  37. The Most Amazing Power – Prayer
  38. Does Prayer Really Work
  39. How to Pray for God to Listen
  40. Praying in the Midst of Busyness
  41. A Letter of Introduction Penned by God Himself
  42. How to Explain the Mystery of the Bible
  43. Three Reasons to Believe the Bible
  44. How to Read the Bible
  45. The Church—God’s Home and Our Home
  46. Which Church to Go after Receiving the Lord
  47. Jesus Thinks Otherwise
  48. The Lord Jesus Suffers with You
  49. The Lord Is Well-Pleased to Heal
  50. How Does God Lead Us in Our Living
  51. How Do We Overcome Satan’s Accusation
  52. Why Do Christians Preach the Gospel So Zealously
  53. How to Preach the Gospel to Our Family Members
  54. Four Main Reasons for Illness
  55. A Christians Love–Something You May Not Understand
  56. Can Christians Have a Happy Marriage
  57. Turns Out I Was Really Very Blessed
  58. Living in the Present, Joined to Eternity

III. Other Topics

  1. Mask of Love
  2. A Virus More Dreadful than Coronavirus
  3. The Three Questions Most Asked during the COVID-19 Pandemic
  4. The Invisible Things to Man’s Eyes
  5. Where Are You
  6. An Unchanging God
  7. A Breath of Fresh Air
  8. One Good News
  9. A New Normal
  10. A Letter to the Healthcare Workers
  11. God Loves You
  12. The Desire of All the Nations
  13. Vanity of Vanities
  14. The True Value of Man
  15. It Matters to Him
  16. There Is God
  17. Christ Being God
  18. The Bible
  19. Life through Faith
  20. Repentance and Confession
  21. Baptism
  22. The Assurance of Salvation