Why Christians Are Not Overwhelmed by Anxiety

Did you know that every 40 seconds, someone in the world chooses to end their life by suicide? Nearly 800,000 people commit suicide each year, and countless others attempt it. Suicide surrounds us, like an invisible neighbor. At its root, suicide stems from depression and the endless worries of life.

The Bible, in the Gospel of Matthew, says: “Do not be anxious for your life, what you should eat; nor for your body, what you should put on … But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Anxiety arises from our anxieties about life, career, family, and other needs. The Bible’s perspective is this: since God created our lives and bodies, He will undoubtedly care for our needs.

God invites us to observe the birds of the air and the lilies of the field, which He sustains, so that we might set our sights on Him, the One who cares for us. Then, naturally, anxious will fade away.

First Thessalonians also tells us: “Always rejoice, unceasingly pray, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. ” God’s life is one of joy, satisfaction, rest, comfort, and enjoyment.

Anxiety is not of the divine life, but of the human life, just as barking is of the dog life, not of the bird life. In contrast, our human life is a life of anxiety.

To God, anxiety is a strange term. With Him, there is no such thing as anxiety. Our human life, on the contrary, is virtually composed of anxiety; it is constituted with it. As long as you are a living person, you cannot escape from anxiety. However, for those who receive God’s life, joy replaces anxiety, and this joy even becomes a mark of believers. This is why Christians are not overwhelmed by anxiety–because we have God’s life within us!

So, what should we do when anxiety strikes? The Bible says, “Casting all your anxiety on Him because it matters to Him concerning you.” Thank God! He cares for us so much that He allows us to unload all our anxieties onto Him.

Therefore, dear friend, all you need to do is cry out: “Oh, Lord Jesus! Lord Jesus!” Like a deep breath, we can exhale the anxieties that weigh on our hearts and inhale the peace and joy that come from God.