Whoever Calls Upon the Name of the Lord Shall Be Saved

Su Shi (1037-1101), one of the most renowned poets, writers, and politicians in Chinese history, once wrote in his famous piece The First Visit of the Red Cliff: “Everything in this universe has its owner; and if it does not belong to me, not a tiny speck can I take. The sole exceptions are the cool breeze on the river, the bright moon over the hills. These serve as music to our ears, as colors to our eyes; these we can take freely and enjoy forever; these are inexhaustible treasures supplied by the Creator, and things in which we can delight together.” Although Su Shi probably never had the chance to hear the gospel, this masterpiece expresses his inner sense that all things are given to us by the Creator. Even after more than nine hundred years, readers today still share his feelings and cannot help but marvel at his utterance and insight.

The blind cannot see colors, and the deaf cannot hear music; however, colors and music really do exist. The book of Romans in the Bible says: “For the invisible things of [God], both His eternal power and divine characteristics, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being perceived by the things made, so that they would be without excuse” (1:20).

Dear friend, as long as we use the proper senses, the cool breeze, the bright moon, and all the beautiful scenery and wonderful sounds are for us to enjoy. All of creation, from magnificent landscapes to countless astonishing creatures of all forms and colors, shows that behind these is God’s mighty hand. God loves us, so He created and prepared the universe and all things for man to enjoy, even though we cannot see God with our eyes, just as we cannot see infrared light, ultraviolet light, love, etc.

However, the Bible says: “Faith is the substantiation of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1). Friend, by faith we can substantiate and enjoy all the divine things. How blessed we are! Not only can we enjoy the inexhaustible treasures of the universe as Su Shi did, but even more, we can partake of the divine, eternal, and unfading life.

The Bible also says: “Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Rom. 10:13). Let us call on Him: “O Lord Jesus! I believe into You. I receive You. I want to gain eternal redemption and enjoy You as the unlimited treasure.”