A. Our Commitment for Oversea Propagation:
1. Closely Following the Ministry of the Age
2. Being Desperate in Preaching the High Gospel
3. Continuing Steadfastly in Prayers with Perseverance
4. Living Out a Corporate God-man Living
5. Blending in Local Lifestyle and Managing Local Language
6. Being Aggressive in Service and Diligent in Learning
7. Coordinating in One Accord to Raise Up Golden Lampstands
8. Producing the Testimony of One New Man on the Whole Earth
9. Our Commissions for Overseas Propagation(Outlines)
B. The Charts of the Crucial Contents of God’s Economy:
C. Overview of the whole Bible (from Genesis to Revelation) —presenting truth to seeking Christian groups:
1. Life
2. Building
3. Christ
6. Tree of life
D. The truth of the church:
1. Great Mystery—Christ and Church
3. Seven Aspects of the Church
4. Seven Periods of the Church
6. What Are We
E. The Proper Aggressiveness of the Full-time Serving Ones
1. Closely Following the Vision of the Age
2. Serving in the Oneness of the Body of Christ
3. Being Equipped with and Constituted with the Truth
4. The Experience and Growth in Life
5. The Exercise and Practice of the God-Ordained Way
6. Letting No One Despise Your Youth
7. The Proper Aggressiveness of the Full-time Serving Ones
F. Knowing the Seer and the Herald of the Divine Revelation and Our Present Commission for the Lord’s Recovery (Six Messages)
G. Others
2. Our Commissions for Overseas Propagation
3. The Growing of the Word of God for the Building Up of the Church (Sources)
5. Some Crucial Points for Preparing the Outline to Carry Out Truth Education on Different Levels