
Acts 10:1-2 Now there was in Caesarea a certain man named Cornelius, a centurion of what was called the Italian cohort, Devout and one who feared God with all his household, giving many alms to the people and beseeching God continually.

I. A good man:

  1. Cornelius was a godly man, that is, a good man.
  2. Both he and his household feared God.
  3. He often gave alms to the poor.
  4. He prayed to God.
  5. The Lord heard his prayer (All the above five points prove that Cornelius was a good man).
  6. However, he was not a saved man.

II. Why he was not saved:

  1. He was a good man, but he was still a sinner. He was a good man, but he was not yet saved.
  2. He was a good man but would still die. A man who goes to the Sunday service, contributes regularly, and fears God will still have to die someday.
  3. All his goodness, fear of the Lord, and giving of alms were of his own effort. Since he did not have the life of God, he needed to be saved.

III.  The gospel of salvation:

  1. The gospel of salvation is not man’s invention. Cornelius thought that as long as he had good behavior and was a godly man, he would be saved. This is absolutely wrong.
  2. The gospel of salvation is a revelation from God. While Cornelius tried his own way to touch God, God appeared to him in a vision, seemingly saying, “Go get Peter; he will show you the revelation of salvation. Only that kind of revelation can save you.”
  3. The revelation of the gospel is to show that Jesus is the Lord of all and that He is God come as man to be our Savior.
  4. The gospel is to show people that Christ died and resurrected to be the Savior of mankind, to forgive sins, and to be life for man.

IV. How can a good man be saved?

  1. A good man as well as a bad man needs to be saved.
  2. A bad man has to repent. A good man also has to repent. A bad man may have a hundred sins to confess, and a good man may have at least ten sins to confess. Therefore, a good man also needs to repent.
  3. Just as a bad man needs Jesus to be his Savior, so also a good man needs Jesus to be his Savior.