
1 Tim. 1:15 Faithful is the word and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am foremost.

  1. Who is Christ Jesus?
  2. Christ signifies that He is God.
  3. Jesus signifies that He is man.
  4. The compound name Christ Jesus means that God came as man to save men and to become the Savior of mankind.
  5. Why did Christ Jesus come into the world?
  6. Christ Jesus did not come into the world by accident or without a purpose.
  7. Christ Jesus came into the world in order to save sinners.

III.  Who are the sinners?

  1. All men are sinners. As long as you are a man in this world, you are a sinner.
  2. Christ Jesus came into this world in order to save sinners, that is, to save you. As far as I am concerned, He came to save me; as far as you are concerned, He came to save you.
  3. How can man receive the salvation of Christ Jesus?

Develop this point.