Example 1  The Churches in Taiwan

The Multiplication and Increase List of the Saints in Taiwan from 2013 to 2015






The Reasons for the Multiplication and Increase

I. Entering into the truth and the blending of the churches:

A. Entering into the truth through PSRP.

B. Blending of the churches in Taiwan in the Body of Christ.


II. The perfecting of various aspects in the church life (Gaining ten thousand young people):

A. Service for children.

B. Service for young people.

C. Service for college students.

D. Service for young working saints.


III. The full-time training:

A. The Full-time Training of the Gospel Work in Taiwan.

B. The Middle-age Full-Time Training of the Gospel Work in Taiwan.

IV. The burden for the Lord’s move to Asia.

The Direction of Advancement in 2016

I. The goal for the young people to be baptized is 10,000 because of the increase of the church.

II. Continuing to establish the structure of gospel and home in the church life.


Example 2  The Thirteenth Meeting Hall in Taipei

The Multiplication Diagram of the Thirteenth Meeting Hall in Taipei from 2004 to 2011



The Reasons for the Multiplication

A. Establish the serving nucleus: establish the coordination of the priesthood. Three responsible brothers began to blend together often.

B. Blend from the center to circumference and bring in one group of young working brothers.

C. Establish various kinds of perfect meeting: the perfect training for district the responsible ones in districts began in 1990; the perfect training for working saints began in 1992; the perfect training for sisters began in 1996. Until now this three kinds of perfecting training have never ceased.

D. Lead a God-man living: through morning revival and prayer daily saints have  morning revival and daily victory that God could be blended into them more. Thus through the God-man living, the high peak truth is realized in the church life.

E. Increase groups and districts unceasingly: in order that the every member can function in groups and districts and that the whole Body serve, we greatly practice the increase of groups and districts that more saints’ function are inspired to participate in the building up the Body of Christ. In the past 14 years, there are three times for the increase of districts. Six districts in 1990 had been multiplied to 104 districts until the end of 2003.

F. Greatly practicing the vital group and children groups: greatly practice the vital group, contact people, and blend with others from house to house. Encourage each district to establish the children group through which their parents can be saved.

G. Establish the great districts and great groups to enlarge the structure of service: establish the great districts and great groups based upon the districts and groups to enlarge the structure of service and to perfect the brothers in order to enlarge their capacity of service.

H. Cultivating the spiritual descendants: in 1996 the young people’s district and college students’ district were established to perfect the students to have a spirit of the host so that the campus work can be done by students themselves and they can also participate in the practice of increasing the districts and groups. During this period, the members of the saints attending the Lord’s Table meeting increased from 270 to 1750 and the number of the saints living the church life reached 2700.

I. Increase the meeting halls: On January 11th of 2004, six meeting halls were multiplied from 13th meeting hall, including 29th, 30th, 37th, 32th, 33th meeting hall. Many young responsible brothers were added. The responsible brothers increased from three to thirty, shifting the leading and service every meeting hall.

J. The service for the young working saints: before the increase of the meeting hall, the young working saints were about 120; after the increase, each meeting hall promote the service for young working saints service in one accord; the number of young working saints increased from 120 to 1000.


Example 3  A Certain Church in Mainland China(1)

The Diagram of the Multiplication of the Saints from 1993 to 2015



The Reasons for the Multiplication

A. Establish the strong serving body (elders’ group—the brain)

1. Through the blending twice a week and through prayer, blend heart, spirit, and concept.

2. The producing of the nucleus depends on fellowship:

a. Honor the authority of the Holy Spirit.

b. It must be the absolute, thorough, and free fellowship, without hindrance.

c. I can express my own feeling as much as I can, but I don’t insist on my feeling.

d. Don’t disclose any matter that has not yet been formally decided and announced, even to someone as close to you as your wife; especially concerning the matters discussed in the meeting of the elders and deacons, we should not spread them to others. This is for the benefit of others.

B. Producing the strong serving coordination (deacons’ group—the heart).

C. Enlarge the serving coordination—perfecting training.

D. manage the groups in a diversified way.

E. In the gospel month, February, during spring festival, promote the gospel move of the whole church; more than one thousand are baptized every February.

F. Increase the groups, small districts, and the large districts.

G. New believers’ perfecting training

H. Establish service in various aspects: children, teenagers, college students, young working saints, elder saints, teachers, doctors, entrepreneurs, and sisters.

I. Entering into systematic truth

J. Pay great attention to the serving ones’ God-man living.

K. There is statistics and budget.

L. The schedule for important events:

1. January: prayer (consecration as the new beginning at New Year).

2. February: gospel (the Spring Festival is in February, and people visit relatives and friends; this is the time when their mood is best and they are easiest to receive the gospel. February is a good time for casting the net to catch fish).

3. March-May: perfecting training for the new ones (the weather is neither hot nor cold, and good for caring for new ones); blending (outlanders, natives)

4. June: shepherding (the weather is getting hot; bring some fruit to saints’ house; love feast).

5. July-August: Students.

6. October: the Lord’s Table meeting

7. November-December: Bible-reading class

M. Establish cooperate morning revival and “315” prayer. Morning revival is the source of the vitality. Only through the Lord’s appearance can we get vitality. Prayer is the source of power. Only if we have morning revival and daily victory, being filled by the spirit moment by moment and keeping ourselves fresh and vital, can we manage the groups, bear fruits, and let our fruits remain.

N. Blending

O. Retrospect and prospect: individual, family, groups, small district, large district, church


The Work Plan of the church in 2016 (See Appendix 1)

Example 4  A Certain Church in Mainland China(2)

The Bible clearly reveals that God’s economy has the home as its focus. If the church is to grow and prosper until it arrives at the condition of the early church in the Bible, in which saved ones were added to the church day by day, then we absolutely must bring the church life into the homes. If there are no meeting halls but only home meetings, it will be easy for everyone to function. Furthermore, the practice of the saints in the early church was to meet in their homes (Acts 2:46; 5:42; 20:20). To gain the increase, we need to have the home meetings. (The Furtherance of the New Way for the Lord’s Recovery, ch. 4, ; Elders’ Training, Book 09: The Eldership and the God-Ordained Way (1), ch. 1)

In the past our home is the place where we hold the love feast, cherish, and preach the gospel. These are great. Because it has the function of the gospel preaching and also the function of shepherding and nourishing. However, we had never heard that we could do perfect the new believers in our home. Here is a topic—Home Perfecting Training. In Home Perfecting Training, the vital group is the structure, teaching the truth is the content, opening homes is the foundation, preaching the gospel is the direction, and perfecting people is the goal.

The Propagation and Increase of the Church in Mainland China(2)



The Reasons of the Increase

I. Brothers coordinate in one accord, practice the serve with the vision. We pray, enjoy, fellowship, and discuss together once every week, letting God start all services and leading the saints by the power and sustainment of God.

II. High peak of revelation; closely following the ministry; treasuring seven annual feasts.

III. Rich enjoyment in the church life—carrying out the burden through prayer on Monday, the pursuit of the Bible on Wednesday, perfecting saints in the bread-breaking meeting on the Lord’s Day.

IV. The meeting for various aspects once every month (the meeting for brothers / sisters / young people / couples)

V. God-man living.

VI. Shepherding according to God.

VII. Practicing home perfecting in the whole church.


Example 5  The Churches in India

The Propagation and Increase of the Churches in India



The Reasons for the Increase

Strengthening the major cities—Delhi (nucleus)

A. National perfecting training for responsible brothers and co-workers.

B. Perfecting training for responsible brothers in every region (the administration of the church).

C. Various aspects: children, teenager, campus, young working saints.

D. Practice God-ordained way: gospel, home, group, and district. Preach the gospel for 2 hours weekly. Shepherding for 2 hours. Live the small group life.

E. The plan for reading the Bible and Life-study.

F. Support from the Body.

G. Entering the ministry.

H. Establish the local churches—propagation.

I. Propagate new churches—spreading.

J. Producing the manpower—next generation.