Appendix 1:

In 2016 Putting into Practice

(“3517”, “3447822”;
two models being combined into one to arrive at the reality of the Body of Christ)

I. “3517”—three “through”, five “consider”, one “check”, seven “conclusion”

A. Three “through”

1. Through quality produce quantity

2. Through living produce work

3. Through first model produce Second model

B. Five “consider”

1. Consider that individual person lives out Christ from morning to evening in‘ five aspects’;-Gala2;20 Phil1;20-21

2. Consider the living out by loving one another in group;

3. Consider dynamic Body life to recovery origination(be considered)

4. Consider the expression of the reality of the body of Christ-corporate God-man living

5. Consider relatives and neighbors admire to join

C. One “check”

Regard Five Consider as anti-fake label, remind that strict check in every detail, one check indicates that check overall implementation in stage and globality

D. Seven “conclusion”

1. One goal: the church life of temple; The reality of the body of Christ; New revival;(JIE43:10,HA3:2)

2. Two models: model of God-man living; model of God’s ordained way

3. Three fold living: living of abiding in the Lord, the living of living Christ; the living of bearing fruits

4. Four Four-dimension: one dimension: individual participation; Two dimension bring others to participation; Three dimension be filled with spirit; Four dimension continue steadfastly

5. Five Consider: consider living Christ individual; consider the cooperate testimony in group meeting; consider dynamic Body life; consider the expression of reality of body; consider favor with all the people.

6. Six key points: Knowing the age, holding the key, focusing on experience, continually exercise, valuing the living, steadfastly practice; Six key points: Recognize the times, grasp the key,

7. Seven characteristics: Day by day、in one a cord、breaking the bread、partake of the food、praise the God、gain favor with all the people

One goal has been anchoring our direction,

and the two models are its expression,

Three-fold living is its inward nature,

with four-dimensional space manifesting the function,

Five provings are the constant admonition,

six main points are the work’s conclusion,

Seven features show the work’s completion,

with the high peak truth’s execution,

Then the testimony manifests in every locality,

to meet the Lord’s coming with the bride’s preparation.

II. “3447822”—three elements, four stages, four “insist”, seven characteristic, eight steps of management, two “increase” and two “decrease”:

A. Three elements:

flowing of the divine love; shining of the divine light; executing God’s will.

B. Four stages:

heart being warmed, spirit being stirred up, mouth being opened and saints being cared

C. Four “insist on”:

insist on apostle’s teaching; insist on apostle’s fellowship; insist on breaking bread; insist on prayer

D. seven “characteristic”:

day by day; with one accord; breaking bread; partook of their food; Praising;God;gain favour with all the people. The number of saints will increase spontaneously.

E. eight steps of management

1. Need to account——have statistics,have budget, for Increase and Spread of the Church.

2. To classify the saints——for the blending and the shepherding.

3. Have prospect——look to the future together,seek the Lord’s leading

4. Blending out the nucleus, blending Form the center to circumference——blending is the source of vital.

5. Establishing cooperate morning revival and 315 prayer——morning revival is the source of the activity, only through the Lord’s appearance that we can get vital. Prayer is the source of power. Only when we morning revival, daily victory, filled by the spirit every moments. Keep ourselves fresh and vital, then we can managing the groups, and bearing fruits, and our fruits should remain.

6. Build up the structure of gospel, family,group,community

7. Bring saint’s in, use them—use everyone, use their best fitted talent. Never give up anyone, Make every member function, manifested whole body serving of the church.

8. Group responsible one’s duty—manage vitality and diversity evolving groups

F. Two “increase” and two “decrease”

1. Personal side—God’s attributes increase, man’s attributes decrease. (col. 2.19 john. 3.30)

2. Group side—–the number of the saints increase, but the person decrease.—-(Acts. 2. 47 col. 3.10-11)

3. Through the 3″use”,5″see”,three crucial elements, four stages, four”insist on”, God’s attributes increase in us, and ourselves’ attributes decrease; because of the strong and bright testimony the number of the saints will increase spontaneously. Through eight steps’ management faithful and prudent, the number of saints with manifested function increases; person decreases unceasingly through God’s attributes increase and the work of the cross.(until Christ is all)


Appendix 2:

Guidelines and Steps for Home Perfecting

I. The key to the success of this training—J am e s 1:4;Eccl.10:10:

A. It depends on the exercise, not on the speaking; it depends not on how much you have spoken but on how much the new ones have gained—1 Tim.4:7-8:

B. This training must be carried out in the way of companionship—Prov.13:20:

C. The participation and mutuality of the new ones—Rom.12:5;1 Cor.14:26:

D. The hosts must build up a long-term relationship with the helpers, and so must the helpers with the new ones—1 Cor.13:4:

II. The perfecting meeting for the new believers once every week:

A. One hour before the meeting, the host should have prepared the training materials and set up the necessary equipment for the week—Luke 14:28;1 Pet.3:15;Prov.22:18.

B. There should be sufficient fellowship and prayer before the meeting—Rom.15:30; Eph. 6:18;Col.4:2-3:

C. The content of the meeting—Acts 11:26;1 Cor.14:26:

1. The meeting may be started by hymn singing or prayer to release and stir up the spirit; the hymn should be chosen according to the subject of the weekly lesson(see the suggested hymn in the weekly meeting guidelines).

2. According to the plan, the host should lead everyone into the weekly lesson by pursuing one of the three materials(the video clip, the PowerPoint slide show, or the reading material) for 20 minutes.

3. In the next 20 minutes, everyone should discuss and practice the weekly exercise:

4. In the last 20 minutes, everyone may discuss the exercise of last week, the lesson content of this week, and the exercise for the coming week; there should be mutual sharing, interacting, and question asking and answering:

III. Follow-up after the meeting—Eph.6:18;Philem.1:4:

A. The host should frequently pray for the helpers during the rest of the week.

B. The host should contact the helpers to supply, remind, and encourage them to exercise; they may pray for each others needs and exercises, fellowship about new ones’ situations, and pray for their needs and exercises.

C. The helpers should frequently pray for the new ones.

D. The helpers should frequently contact the new ones(at least according to the set times),care for their situations, cherish and nourish them, and exercise with them.

E. The host, helpers, and new ones should contact each other whenever there is the need for fellowship and intercession so that they may be built up in love.

IV. The service of “the helpers” is mainly to contact, supply, remind, and encourage people—Eph.4:16;5:29

A. Contacting—Eph.4:16;5:29:

B. Supplying—Eph.4:16;Col.2:19;Eph.3:8;1 Pet.4:10

C. Reminding—Rom.15:15;1 Cor.4:17;2 Pet.1:12-13;3:1;Jude 5:

D. Encouraging—Acts 23:11;Rom.1:12;1 Cor.14:3;Phil.2:1,19;Heb.10:24-25:


Appendix 3:

The Plan for the Gospel Preaching in Nepal in the Second Half of 2016

I. The guiding principle for propagation:

A. The four steps of Watchman Nee’s ministry

1. literature work

In the early stage, brother Watchman Nee printed the gospel tracts and issued the publications, including the “Fu-shing” and “The Christian”, for the gospel-preaching and edification of the new believers… Furthermore, Brother Watchman Nee also translated and published many books, such as “The Spiritual Man”, “Rethinking the Work” and “The Ministry of God’s Word” ect. (Refer to Watch man Nee–A seer of the divine revelation in the present age, chapter 25,26,27)

2. Holding the conference

One of specific means Watchman employed in his ministry was the holding of conferences. Such as the four times “overcomer conferences” and national co-worker meeting, ect. (Refer to Watch man Nee–A seer of the divine revelation in the present age, chapter 24)

Establishing the church Traveling was the third means Watchman used to carry out his ministry. Wherever he went, either the church was strengthened or the way was paved for a church to be established.(Refer to Watch man Nee–A seer of the divine revelation in the present age, chapter 24)

3. Training

Training was one of the important means Watchman Nee used to carry out his ministry. Such as the two-year informal training in 1933,and another two-year National Co-Worker Training in Shanghai, and Trainings in Kuling Mountain 1948.(Refer to Watch man Nee–A seer of the divine revelation in the present age, chapter 24)

B. In 1995,Brother Witness Lee’s burden was to establish the High Peak Truth Press in all the countries in order to reach the high peak of the propagation(India, Philippines, Rumania ,Hungary, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy ect).

C. Examples:

1. The very beginning of the propagation in Russia was through the distribution of the ministry books and gathering the seeking ones to have the conference, and then establishing the church in the well-responding place, and doing the training at last.

2. Brother Jerusalem Song labored a lot in promoting the ministry books all around the India, and finding the seeking ones so that the testimony was gradually raised up in many localities.

3. Through the gospel broadcast and holding the listener’s meeting, the church in London produced many districts.

4. Through the manuscript of the ministry books many seeking ones were found in Vietnam, and the golden lampstand was raised up.

II. The goal of the propagation is to find the sons of peace. (“And if a son of peace is there, your peace shall rest upon it; but if not, it shall return upon you”—Luke 10:6.)

A. As for the nationalism, the minority is much more open to the gospel.

1. The number of Christians ranking higher in Myanmar is Chin and Ka-chin.

2. All the Tripura people, who lives in the mountain area of Bandarban in the south of Bangladesh, are Christians. All the student saints who live in the student house in Dhaka and Chittagong come from that area.

3. Tamang, Magar and Gurung, the lower caste in Nepal, are much more open to Gospel, therefore having the highest percentage of Christians among all the other castes.

B. As for the endemicity, the small town(or village)is the breach of the propagation.

1. Brother Lee went and worked in Mazhan, a mountain area, in the southest part of Zhejiang in the early stages.

2. Brother Lee visited Tyler, a remote ranch in Texax, USA, and the first American native church was established.

3. The Brothers visited Casiguran, the northeast part of Philippines, and established the first Filipinos church.

III. The pattern for propagation:

A. Literature leads the way

1. Via Website & Facebook

According to the popularization of the smart phone and the internet in Nepal, basically speaking, all the young people, especially the college students take a lot of time surfing the internet, mostly on the Facebook. But Nepal Christian group scarcely do the internet promotion. Therefore, we have the burden to do a Nepali website of ministry books which is for the seeking ones, and do the Facebook gospel page for the young college students.

2. Try to find the truth-seeking ones through the distribution of the Rhema books.

B. Going and visiting by team and holding the conference

1. Move in a coordinated way–young co-workers and the local saints.

Our propagation is a move in the Body. Therefore, we need more blending and fellowship to move in a corporate way. It is better that the local saints and young co-workers can go out together.

2. The way of preaching gospel

a. Gospel-preaching by coworkers

b. Gospel-preaching in a coordinated way–shepherding the adults as well as their kids

3. Coordination structure

Brother Bright, Roger, Peter, John, Silas, Hudson, Heaven and Jacob.

IV. The content of preaching:

A. Concerning the gospel

1. Three “uniqueness” (the uniqueness of the true God, the uniqueness of the savior, the uniqueness of the Body of Christ)

2. God is Spirit, man has a spirit, and Calling upon the name of the Lord

3. Six major points(Gospel for the Hinduism),available in the Treasure Christ (

B. The truth concerning the church

1. The seven aspects of the church

2. The great mystery–Christ and the church

3. The seven stages of the church

4. The ground of the church

5. What are we

C. Concerning the Bible–from Genesis to Revelation

1. The line of life

2. The line of building

3. The line of the tree of life

4. The line of eating

5. The line of kernel in the Bible

6. The line of Christ

7. The line of man

V. The main points in practice:

A. Finding out the potential meeting; we need to take the route of saints’ families and their relatives and try to find “the sheep without shepherding”, and then go to visit them in coordination.

B. First to minister life and truth in order that they can get light after light. If they are open to us, through them we also can find another potential meeting.

C. Present the truth concerning the ground of the church.

D. Observe their intention and motivation whether they are absolute to the truth, whether they are going to take the way of Lord’s recovery.

VI. Training

A. Gathering all the seeking and serving ones together to perfect them through the short-time training.

B. Invite the Japan co-workers to come and coordinate.

VII. Practice

A. Prayer–All the churches and co-workers need to pray for it steadfastly and keenly

B. Finance–Live in the fellowship and consecrate for the Lord

C. Activity–participate by ourselves


Appendix 4 :

The Plan for the English Work of
the Church in Bang Sao Tong, Thailand in 2016

I. The goal for the whole year:

A. Form the structure of God-ordained way–gospel, family, group, community

1. Gospel: preaching Gospel twice a week, the object is non-Chinese speaking students among the international students

2. Family: nourish and perfect students specificly by going to or around the students’ dormitory

3. Group: group meeting once a week

4. Community: establish the English community, prophecy in English on Lord’s day

B. Increasing of the number of saints

Current situation End target for this year Increasing
number of people 9 20 11
home shepherding 0 4 4
groups 1 2 1
community 0 1 1

C. The saints being perfected:

the item in the reading group of English bible is only Bible reading. because of the members’ Christian background, they have not be brought into the ministry message, yet not the spiritual practice in Lord’s recovery(pray-read God’s word, calling on the name of the Lord).

our goal is to build up saints through one year’s nourishment and perfecting; to produce the appetite for the Ministry message; to have the spiritual practice of pray-read God’s word and calling on the name of the Lord; to have the morning revival(choose the material according to their degree),to have the ability of prophesying on the Lord’s day; to have the ability of preaching Gospel in coordination, or to classmates and friends

II. The persons of the service:

A. brother: Shane,James,Jason(student)

B. sister: Dew

III. Practice:

A. Gospel preaching

1. twice a week, the serving ones coordinated with the students to continually and purposely contact the Christians of the non-Chinese international students:

a. to contact them at the place where they were gathered: foreigner cafeteria, clubs etc.

b. to attract them by using booklets: to get the booklets in different languages and distribute them freely and get their contact numbers.

2. To perfect the students to preach the gospel to their friends and classmates(also international students)and invite them to the meetings.

B. Strengthen the home shepherding:

1.  Knowing the situation

a. Knowing the background: Knowing their Country, nation, Christianity groups and so on in order to shepherd and perfect them properly.

b. Arranging the time: knowing their schedule to set proper shepherding time

2. Strengthening the Bible reading groups in the campus: Reading Bible together with the new ones using the new testament reading one chapter each week and sharing one topic every time to open the word of the Bible to attract them and shepherd them.

a. the principle of “giving the food at the proper time:

Matthew 24:45 says that the faithful and prudent slave distributes food to God’s children at the proper time. The meaning of distributing food to God’s children at the proper time is profound. It does not mean merely to distribute food according to the seasons but to distribute different kinds of food according to the varying needs. This is something that requires time and research. Suppose we meet a new one, and without any regard for his condition we begin to share with him about the seventy weeks in Daniel. It is true that we are speaking God’s word, but that kind of “distributing of food “does not nourish him. Instead, it kills him. God’s word is life, but if we do not use it in a proper way, it becomes a killing factor to others. It can spoil a person’s appetite; the taste to come to the meeting will be spoiled because what he has heard has not benefited him. I may have exaggerated a little, but I want us to see the absolute necessity of preparing the right kind of reading material for different meetings. This is in the principle of distributing food according to the proper time. The advancement of the various kinds of meetings hinges on this very matter. Whether or not a meeting brings profit to a person, attracts him, or stirs up the desire within him to join depends fully on this matter.(Crucial Words of Leading in the Lord’s Recovery, Book 1:The Vision and Definite Steps for the Practice of the New Way, Chapter 11,Section 1)

b. Concerning The New Testament Reading Companion:

The series of “Accompanied Reading for The New Testament “is Edit for help the saints especially the new believers, Establishing the life style of Read the Bible daily and getting nourishment from the Lord’s word. The content of this book are base on the Recovery version Bible, the Gospel of John, Life-study of the Gospel of John, and other references published by TWGBR. Readers can follow the sequence made by this book, read one chapter a week, divided to six sections each chapter, and read each section a day. Step by step, you can finish the Gospel of John in twenty-one weeks.

According to the principle of “to give them food at the proper time”, compiling the content to aim the need of four specific kinds of people:

1. Gospel friend; 2.New believers; 3. Saints are not often come to the meetings; 4. Aggressive seekers.

Data download:

c. How to use Accompanied Reading for The New Testament “take the gospel of John:

for example According to the diagram downward, there has a mark“2”on it prepare for the new believers. The scripture is John 1:33-42,the title is “Producing stones for God’s building. “This message is abstracted by the Life-study of the Gospel of John. When you are shepherding, just base on the scripture, surrounding the title, and share the message vitally to those who join the meeting. Which will reach the goal of “to give them food at the proper time.”

3. refer to<how to perfecting the new ones>to perfect students systematically and regularly.

4. visit students live in dormitory during the week, and also nourish at home by enter in the house of students(Noel, Passion)living outside the dormitory.

5. nourish daily: strength the contact through the software (Line, we-chat, Facebook),establish groups, share and supply God’s word.

C. Established the group meeting and love feast

Thursday afternoon, invite students to the group meeting, after meeting there have the love feast in Havilah. The meeting place is in the living room and bookstore area(Use the screen to partition them),the equipment of the sound and video use cooperatively.)The material of the group meeting can use the English RHEMA books.

D. Established the meeting which use English in the lord’s day

Until now only few saints can join the English Meeting, so we need to ask help from the English district in the church in Bangkok. Hope that at least five saints who can speak English come to join the Lord’s table meeting to strengthen the English part. After the Lord’s table meeting, we have the prophesying meeting which use English in the living room. We can make it as the Perfect meeting at the beginning of practice, to read the ministry books together, then personal share, and one person summary. Later after the saints have a regular morning revival and have a basic to enter into the morning revival the saints will get on track-everyone prophesy.

E. Blending

The second district in the church in Bangkok is the English area(where the Havilah’s house owner live),most of members come from Philippin. We can bring the student to go to there for visiting and blending at regular intervals, or invite them to come here for blending.