Week 7  The Experience of Life


Hymn  412

Scripture Reading:

Matt.5:23-25a   Therefore if you are offering your gift at the altar and there you remember that your brother has something against you, Leave your gift there before the altar, and first go and be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. Be well disposed quickly toward your opponent at law, while you are with him on the way.

1 John 2:15-17   Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in him; Because all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the vainglory of life, is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and its lust, but he who does the will of God abides forever.


“Dealing” implies that we follow the leading of the Holy Spirit to purge away all the difficulties which hinder the growth of life.

The Object of Our Dealing with Sins––
the Record of Sin before God and the Actual Deed of Sin

The record of sin denotes the unrighteous and lawless deeds which offend the righteous law of God and result in our having a record of sin before the law of God. In the future, God will judge us according to this record. The fact of sinning is the very act which establishes the record of sin. These sinful acts always fall short of the glory of God and, in either a perceptible or an imperceptible manner, hurt others. …On one hand we need to deal with our record of sin before God, and on the other hand we need to deal with the fact of our sinning.

The Practice of Dealing with Sins––
Abolishing the Record of Sin and Dealing with the Actual Committing of Sin

The abolishing of our record of sin after we are saved, therefore, depends upon our confession. …How should we deal with the actual committing of sin? If we have offended God, we must deal with it before God and ask His forgiveness. If we have sinned against man, we should deal with it before man by asking man’s forgiveness. If our act of sinning against man involves only a moral matter, we have only to confess this and apologize before man. If it also involves a loss of money and profits, then we should pay accordingly the amount we owe. This act of apologizing and reimbursing applies not only to sins committed after we are saved; we must also deal with all those sins committed before we were saved; we must deal with them one by one before man according to the inner consciousness. …The result of our dealing with sins is peace within ourselves and peace also within others.

Our Spiritual Life Growing Daily by Dealing with Sins Daily

The purpose of our dealing with sin is that we might have a clean conscience, void of offense, and also that our will might be subdued. …There was a young believer who came to inquire of a servant of God concerning how to grow in his spiritual life. The servant of God asked him: “How many days have gone by in which you have not dealt with sins?” How true it is that if we desire our spiritual life to grow, we need to deal with sins. The day that we do not deal with sins, our spiritual life does not grow. By dealing with sins daily, our spiritual life will grow daily. This is an ironclad principle. May God have mercy upon us so that we may continue to go forward. (The Experience of Life, ch. 4)


The Objects of Dealing with the World

The world in our daily living consists of people, activities, and things which usurp the place of God in us. Therefore, these objects are the aim of our dealings.

The Basis of Dealing with the World

The basis of our dealing with the world is the same as dealing with sin. It is based upon the sense of life obtained during fellowship. We should pay attention to the following three principles:

Firstly, we should deal with the world upon the basis of the inner feeling gained through fellowship. The dealing should not exceed our inner feeling. Secondly, we should gradually broaden the area of our fellowship so that our inner feeling touches all aspects of our life. Thus we will have dealings with the world in all aspects. Thirdly, we should gradually deepen our fellowship so that our inner feeling concerning the world deepens; thus, we may deal more thoroughly.

Besides these three principles, there are two factors which greatly influence our inner feeling toward the world: our love for God and our spiritual growth in life. We have said that God is the standard for dealing with the world. If we are far from God, we are not conscious of our worldliness. But once we draw nigh to God, we discover many worldly matters in us. Only those who love God desire to draw nigh unto God. Therefore, if we desire to deal with the world, we should first love God.

Our inner feeling towards the world also depends upon our spiritual growth. The more we advance in the spiritual life and knowledge of God, the deeper we will be in knowing the world. If we wish to deal to the end that God may have a complete place within us, we should ask Him to draw us so that we may love Him more and pursue more for our spiritual growth, so that we may become more mature in life.

The Extent of Dealing with the World

Dealing with the world causes us to experience life and sense the freshness, brightness, satisfaction, strength, joy and peace of life. In other words, we should deal with the world to the extent that we have life and peace.

The Practice of Dealing with the World

If we wish to practice dealing with the world, we should pay our attention to one point—that is, to close our mind to the world.

For this, we should not simply wait for the Lord to constrain us with His love or for His grace to support us. We must also use our own initiative to deal with this matter. If so, worldly thoughts will never intrude again. (The Experience of Life, pp. 84-85, 90-92)


Reference: The Experience of Life, ch.4, 5; The Pure in Heart, ch. 4; CWWL, The (1963) Vol. 3, Basic Principles of the Experience of Life, ch. 14.